Change Your Life Photography

Change Your Life Photography
Beauty Captured Within The Soul

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Raw & Twisted... The story behind a Soul Friend

The picture tells a thousand words yet, there is another million more words to tell when it comes to Tara.

As time goes on and we mature in our own way (well, most of us do lol), it seems like time slows down and yet the days, weeks & months pass us by quickly. We sometimes get caught up in our daily lives and find it hard to connect to those who are close to us. Sometimes it takes a situation that makes you stop in your tracks and brings you back to reality and that is when you get together with those close to you and re-connect.

Tara and I have known each other for a very long time. When I started Change Your Life Photography I HAD to have Tara model for me considering I watched her model back in the day. For me, it wasn't about me taking pictures of Tara for my portfolio but it was to bring back that fun, spare of the moment Tara that I have known all my life. We have laughed together, we have cried together. We have been idiots and stupid at times and yet we know our actions were not to hurt each other, it was just us expressing our inner souls and in turn, as much as we may apologize to each other there really is no need to for we understand. But just when you "think" you know someone, another chapter opens.

All the years I have known Tara I never knew she like to write about her thoughts, her experiences. When I read Tara's first blog from Raw & Twisted I was in awe! I NEVER knew that my Soul Friend for many years could express herself in the way she did but being able to reach out to others and having the response she has had brought new light and motivation in my life.  Even more, Tara's outlook on life made me understand more of why I love photography and wanting to tell the stories behind the photographs.

Recently, Tara had surgery and without hesitation I told her that I was staying over the weekend to help out and Tara being the stubborn one insisted that she would be ok... Let's just say it's a good thing I didn't listen to her! Steve 1 Tara 0 lol! I have learned more about Tara in 3 days than I have in 25+ years! Even more, I learned more about myself by listening to Tara's stories, listening to her heart, listening to things that I have heard before that NOW is hitting me in the face.

As much as I been a servant for the weekend at least for once in our relationship, I was able to tell that stubborn girl to sit down and don't do anything lol! All fun aside, with Tara sharing deep from her heart, I have come to a new realization and appreciation towards what we have and what our friendship means to me.

So in saying all of this:

Take the time and connect to those who are close to you. When you ask the question "is everything ok?" don't just let it be because we ALWAYS reply "everything is good" when it's not. Step out and get down to the issue for we all want say how we feel but it takes someone to really push us, to step out of our comfort zone. Always take that extra step when your friend doesn't expect you to because one day you will be needing someone to step it up for you when you least expect it.

Even though we can smile and look beautiful in front of the camera sometimes we don't realize that the pictures we see, there is more to that person that we may not realize. Just like our best friends, we may think life is going well for them but if we don't ask, they won't tell. Take the time to ask for you will be surprised in what you hear and what you will learn but most importantly, speaking heart to heart will grow the bond of a friendship to higher levels.

BTW, you may ask what is a Soul Friend? Well, you hear about people in love and being Soul Mates... Why can not friends who are true to each other, who say what they want to say... be hurt by it and say thank you for kicking my a$$ be Soul Friends?!

I dedicate this to my Sista from anotha Mista!

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