Change Your Life Photography

Change Your Life Photography
Beauty Captured Within The Soul

Monday, January 30, 2012

Change Your Life Photography - New beginnings!

Hello to all out there!

Since August 2011, I started and to use my skills in photography to create images of art using nature and very interesting people. As each time I would do a photo shoot, I could see that the comments posted on  Facebook were encouraging to those who were being photographed and I came to realize that people always have a story to tell and I want to tell those stories through photography.

Change Your Life Photography is not about just seeing beautiful images but to understand that these people have come out of hardship or some kind of ongoing issue that they have overcome or getting through or even still struggling and yet when they see they're image on film, the end result of seeing a smile from ear to ear is priceless and to me, that is my satisfaction...  my reward.

So I finally decided to start a page to help others understand that we may not feel good about ourselves or are struggling with the inner soul and feel like there is no end but there is always a positive answer to any situation especially through photography.

Also using YouTube I have people tell they're stories through video for people rather watch a minute video than reading about a testimonial.

Anyways in the next while with a lot of photo shoots taken recently, I want to share these stories with you for I hope that at least one person that will be able to relate and see that there is hope and will be able to make that change in they're lives today.

Steve Di Monte

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic idea Steve! ...can`t wait to hear the stories of trials, tribulations & finally ...triumph!

    ...cheers to perseverance :-)
